Contents Packout
At Catastrophe Contents Restoration & Cleaning Services we take an enormous amount of pride in saving those items that are most important to you and your family. We use hydroxyl deodorization technology which is safe for all materials when deodorizing. Nobody understands more than us that after your loss, not everything is replaceable.
An initial meeting is scheduled to determine what areas of the house need to have the personal property removed. During this meeting, sensitive personal property will be discussed and a plan of action to handle those items will be addressed accordingly.
Contents are properly disassembled if needed, furniture wrapped, stored in boxes and carefully organized in desired location.
If contents are to be stored in our climate-controlled warehouse, a digital photo inventory will be created. You will receive the digital photo inventory with an itemized spreadsheet for your records.
Upon being notified that the area is ready for contents to return. A coordinator will assist in scheduling a suitable time for items to be delivered and/or reset.